New Roanoke Location Updates

Hello, friends! Here are all the updates on our new store:

  • Our new address is 829 Salem Ave SW, Suite B, Roanoke, VA 24061

  • Our new hours are 12-7 Tuesday through Friday. These hours may change as we experiment in a new area and get used to the commute.

  • Our phone number and other contact info are the same: 540-251-4361. (However, since December, we no longer have the old 540-251-5051 number.)

  • The plant exchange is going out of commission this week. It was feasible to continue operating it at our new location, but we decided we didn't want to over-extend ourselves or push the limits of our beautiful new space. We have been so impressed with the community’s participation over the past few years, and we will miss it!

  • Taco the shop cat is enjoying an early retirement at our house with our other two cats, Sally & Queso.

MetaSarah Vogl